


2023年11月30日至12月1日,上午9点至11点 & 下午2点到4点

  • 查塔姆大学主校区:
  • 哈奈特主校区:
    1075 E. 康尼利厄斯·哈奈特大道.
  • 利美校区:
    Sanford, NC 27330


12月11 - 12日

  • 查塔姆大学主校区:
  • 哈奈特主校区:
    9-10 am & 2-4 pm
    1075 E. 康尼利厄斯·哈奈特大道.
  • 利美校区:
    9-11am & 1-5 pm
    Sanford, NC 27330

天使树计划提供玩具, 衣服, and 鞋子 to children of current curriculum 推荐正规买球平台 students in need during the holiday season. 课程中的学生是由定义确定的 推荐正规买球平台学院手册. Students can submit an application for their children for consideration for the program. 如果被选中,它们将被放置在我们的“电子树”上供领养. 目前的学生、教职员工都可以领养天使.



  • 当前课程推荐正规买球平台学生
  • 没有从外部机构获得额外的季节性支持
  • 0-12岁儿童*
  • 孩子是推荐正规买球平台学生的家属
  • 一个单独的部分完成每个家庭的孩子
  • 请注明衣服的尺码
  • 请具体说明需要和兴趣
  • 梦想礼物不应超过50美元的限制

以确定是否有Eligibility参加该计划, 项目协调员将审核所有申请, 财政援助记录, 并可能Contact其他季节性支持项目. 通过申请推荐正规买球平台天使树项目, 您同意允许项目协调员访问相关信息. 不会收集任何额外信息, 您的信息将仅由推荐正规买球平台工作人员访问以确定您的Eligibility.

*Every effort will be made to evaluate the applications and accept all children in each family. 如果你有一个12岁以上的孩子, 您可以将它们包含在Apply程序中, 我们的目标范围是0-12岁. 然而,并不能保证所有的孩子都能被安置在树上.


The 推荐正规买球平台 天使 树 program will remain virtual this year, including applications and 天使 Adoption. 这可以让更多的孩子得到赞助,因为它团结了我们所有的学生, 工作人员, 和老师, 在这三个县, 在一个虚拟平台中. 我们将尽一切努力帮助尽可能多的学生家庭, 请注意,有可能被列入候补名单.

All applicants will be notified on or before the date below regarding their status in the program. If selected for the program, you 必须 pick-up your 礼物 during the Gift Pick-Up times below. All 礼物 not picked up by the due date will be donated or placed into future 天使 树 programs.

天使树礼品领取将在所有三个主校区举行. 请在填写申请表时选择最近的主校区.



  • 申请开放:2023年10月11日
  • 申请截止Dates:2023年10月25日午夜
  • 天使收养开放Dates:2023年11月6日
  • 天使收养截止Dates:2023年11月21日
  • 礼品投递Dates:2023年11月30日至12月1日
  • 礼品领取Dates:2023年12月11日- 12日**





请电子邮件 angeltree@ziranyixue.net no later than the application deadline (October 25, 2023) with any updates to your application.


请在您的申请中提供尽可能多的详细信息. 如果被批准参加这个项目, the information provided on your application will be uploaded to the adoption website. 潜在的Adopt者将使用这些信息来购买衣服, 鞋子, and 礼物 for your child; therefore, 你能提供的信息越多, 更好的. Remember that all identifying information about you and your child will be removed before your child’s information is uploaded to the adoption site.


We provide the 礼物拾音器 dates at the beginning of the program in hope that all program participants can make arrangements to pick up their 礼物 on the 礼物拾音器 dates. 然而,我们也认识到,有些情况是我们无法控制的. 如果您无法在礼品领取Dates间领取您的礼物,请发送电子邮件 angeltree@ziranyixue.net. 请注意, any 礼物 left after the pick-up date without any communication from the student applicant will be donated to future 天使 树 programs.

Can I still submit an application for my child even though the application has closed for this year?

Due to the tight timeline of the 天使 树 程序和 immense amount of administrative work the program requires, 逾期申请恕不受理.


Financial need is determined by the Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) and is reported by the Office of 正规买球app十佳排行. 如果您对您的经济援助状况有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件 finaid@ziranyixue.net.


天使 树 礼物 are unwrapped so that parents are aware of what has been bought for their child(ren). We hope this helps parents in their decisions about holiday gifting for their family.


“天使树”项目的乐趣之一是提供衣服, 鞋子, 礼物, 为有需要的儿童提供更多. 虽然礼品卡可能有用, there is no way to confirm they are used to benefit the children they are gifted to and therefore, 收养人非常不鼓励把它们送给别人. 天使 树 student applications that only request a gift card will not be approved.


在每个主校区(Chatham, Harnett, and Lee)领取礼物. 您将被分配到离您最近的主校区领取礼物. 我们不允许送礼物到个别家庭.


天使树的学生参加者可以使用 推荐正规买球平台 2023秋季天使树感谢表格.


在《推荐正规买球平台》季末, 所有的参与者, Adopt者, and administrative 工作人员 will receive a feedback form from the program administrator via email. Positive and constructive feedback is used to make changes as needed to the program, 所以我们鼓励每个收到调查问卷的人都去完成它.



虽然节日精神没有官方预算, 对于那些想要领养孩子的人来说,这是一个经常被问到的问题. We recommend spending $40-$100 on an 天使, though the adopter may choose to spend more or less. 对于那些想要更慷慨地捐款的人, we suggest considering donating to the overall 天使 树 program fund via the 推荐正规买球平台 基金会.


你不需要购买所有列出的天使. Students are encouraged to provide as much information about their child(ren) as possible so that donors can understand the child’s wants and needs.


Cash and check donations can be made out to the 推荐正规买球平台 基金会 Office with a note that the donation is for the 天使 树 Program Fund. 希望使用信用卡或网上捐款的人士,可透过 推荐正规买球平台基金会PayPal. 在“特殊指示或记忆/荣誉”您 必须 输入“天使树计划”,捐款将会转到正确的帐户.


为了保持天使树参与者的匿名性, 的名字, 身份号码, 和电子邮件不用于天使收养. 而不是, a letter and number system is used to denote the 推荐正规买球平台 main campus closest to the student as well as the number of children in their family. There are very few people who have access to the information linking the letter and numbering system to student information as a means of protecting anonymity. 虽然我们知道你可能很好奇, 在任何情况下,学生的信息都不会提供给收养者.


请电子邮件 angeltree@ziranyixue.net 要求获得一份安吉尔的信息.


天使 Families are assigned a letter and two numbers to denote the closest main campus, 他们的家庭小组号码, 以及家庭中孩子的数量. 例如,天使N.1.1和N.1.2是一个北极(N)家庭(1),有两个孩子(1)&2). 天使N.4.1 (with no following numbers) is the (1) only child in the North Pole (N) family (4). If you have any questions about the numbering system or if your 天使 is part of a sibling group, 请电子邮件 angeltree@ziranyixue.net.


No, you do not have to adopt an entire 天使 family if there is more than one child. You may choose to adopt as many angels as you would like, regardless of their campus or family.


“天使树”项目的乐趣之一是提供衣服, 鞋子, 礼物, 为有需要的儿童提供更多. 虽然礼品卡可能有用, there is no way to confirm they are used to benefit the children they are gifted to and therefore, 收养人非常不鼓励把它们送给别人. 如果你正在寻找一种方式来捐赠给天使树计划, please see the FAQ above for those wishing to donate money via the 推荐正规买球平台 基金会 Office.

我想给我的天使包装礼物. 我能做到吗??

While we appreciate the Christmas spirit, 天使 树 礼物 are required to be unwrapped. This allows parents to view what has been purchased for their child(ren) so that they can plan accordingly for their family during the holidays. 所有包装好的礼品将在领取礼品前拆封.

我不能按时送礼物了. 我该怎么办呢??

我们会安排送礼物的Dates,以便清点礼物, 排序, 并在取礼物前安排好. Late 礼物 cause a significant strain on the program and can cause a family to not receive their 礼物 from the 天使 树 program. 如未能如期送出礼品,请电邮 angeltree@ziranyixue.net 安排提早送礼物.


确保所有的礼物都被正确分类并送到正确的家庭, 重要的是,收养人要正确地给他们的礼物贴上标签. Each gift (each item) should be labeled with the letter and two numbers of their 天使 (example: N.1.1), Please make sure that every item is labeled appropriately and that taped on labels are secure. To expedite the drop-off process, please have 礼物 labeled before dropping them off.

我不能收养天使,但我想帮助这个项目. 我有什么选择?

除了通过推荐正规买球平台基金会捐赠给整个天使树项目, those wishing to help out with the program can opt to volunteer with the 天使 树 program by signing up to assist with gift drop-off, 礼物拾音器, 和/或组织礼物的日子. The 天使 树 program requires a lot of administrative and physical work to make sure 礼物 are at the correct campus and arranged correctly for pick-up.


感谢您对中交所天使树项目的兴趣! 2023年天使树的领养期是 2023年11月6日- 21日. 请回来收养一个有需要的学生.


感谢您对中交所天使树项目的兴趣! 每年的天使树计划是为了帮助推荐正规买球平台学生的孩子而设计的. Participation in this event is voluntary and is open to current curriculum 推荐正规买球平台 students only.

不幸的是,我们目前不接受2023年天使树的申请. 2023年天使树 申请时间为2023年10月11日至25日(午夜). 然而,还有很多其他的方法可以帮助你. 我们的 中卡罗莱纳关怀中心 程序和 基金会推荐正规买球平台的学生提供全年的帮助.


如有问题或需要帮助,请发送电子邮件 angeltree@ziranyixue.net.